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Explore Careers

What do you want to be when you grow up?

You’ve probably heard that question hundreds of times. And now that you’re in college, the question will change to what you will do after college.

At Career Works, it’s our favorite question: to answer it well you need to understand who you are and what you value in life. Don’t worry: We’re to help, and to keep the process of arriving at an answer as stress free as possible.

Get to Know Yourself

During your time at Beloit, you’ll learn a lot about yourself: what you most like to study, how you best organize your time, what motivates you when things get tough, and much more. We see all this learning as important to your career search, because this will help you identify what conditions you need to be successful.

Here are the resources that we provide to help you along the way. 

  • One-on-one advising: Our professional staff will help you identify your interests, knowledge, skills, and strengths. These are the building blocks of finding a career that you can be passionate about.
  • Career Assessments: We offer three different career assessments to help you learn more about yourself: Clifton Strengths, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and Strong Interest Indicator. Make an appointment with a Career Works staff member to determine which assessments best suit your needs and to access them.

Explore Your Options

Now that you know more about yourself, it’s time to start exploring opportunities. Since change is the name of the game, gathering more information about job markets and occupations helps. Often, we don’t know what exists because it’s not only new to us but the world.

We suggest you start with the below resources.

  • ONet: This database is managed by the U.S. Department of Labor, gives you up-to-date information about occupations, including the skills they require, how much money you’ll earn, and whether it’s a growing field.
  • Schools:Schools are supported by faculty and staff mentors who teach related courses and advise interested students, facilitate programming (and encourage student initiatives), suggest possibilities for hands-on experience, and connect you with alumni in the field.
  • Alumni Connections, Beloit’s alumni mentoring network: You’ll explore career options by talking with the people who do them, and who are looking ahead to the careers of the future. 

Find Ways to Apply What You’re Learning

At Beloit College, our curriculum, co-curriculum, advising and support services position students to put their learning into practice multiple times before they graduate. You’ll engage in applied work in your coursework, such as group projects, fieldwork, research, curating exhibitions, tutoring, and serving as research and teaching assistants.

Outside of class, you’ll be able to try out a club. Play sports. Study abroad. Volunteer in the community. Work on campus. All of these experiences help you to develop and grow your strengths while building your resume.

Questions?  Need help?

Need help figuring out what experience would work for you? Come talk with a Career Works advisor to explore new opportunities.

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